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Vice President Bawumia Attributes Ghana’s Economic Challenges To Global Trends



Vice President Mahamudu Bawumia

Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, the presidential candidate of the governing New Patriotic Party (NPP), has addressed the economic challenges facing Ghana, attributing them to a broader global economic crisis. Speaking to the clergy in the Central Region during his campaign tour, the Vice President emphasized that the current economic difficulties are not unique to Ghana but are part of a worldwide trend.

“It is very clear that the cost of living has gone up across the world,” Dr. Bawumia remarked. “Even when I was in Canada just a few weeks ago, there were similar complaints. There has been a major increase in the cost of living, and global inflation has increased fivefold, so there is a problem.”

Dr. Bawumia reassured the clergy that the government is actively addressing the economic challenges. He highlighted the global nature of the crisis, noting that nations around the world are grappling with similar issues, primarily driven by inflation and rising living costs.

During the meeting, Dr. Bawumia reiterated the government’s commitment to finding sustainable solutions to mitigate the impact of these global economic pressures on Ghanaian citizens. He outlined ongoing efforts to stabilize the economy and improve the standard of living despite the external challenges.

The Vice President’s comments come at a critical time as the nation prepares for upcoming elections, with economic performance and management being key issues for voters. Dr. Bawumia’s tour in the Central Region is part of his broader campaign strategy to engage with various stakeholders and communicate the government’s plans and achievements.

Source: GhanaFeed.Com

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