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‘NDC Doctored Jakpa Tape To Remove Supreme Court Judge’s Voice’ – NPP Insists



Attorney General Godfred Yeboah Dame
NDC Accused of Manipulating Tape to Discredit Attorney General 

Allegations of Tape Doctoring

Sources close to the New Patriotic Party (NPP) have revealed that a recently released 16-minute audio recording, aimed at discrediting Attorney General and Minister of Justice Godfred Yeboah Dame, has been manipulated. The NDC allegedly doctored the tape during a meeting at Julius Debrah’s office last Friday, removing the voice of Supreme Court Justice Emmanuel Kulendi.

Tape Misrepresentation

  • Falsified Interactions: The Sources confirm that Godfred Dame has only met Jakpa at Kulendi’s house. Contrary to the tape’s portrayal, these meetings were organized by Kulendi at Jakpa’s request.
  • Integrity of Evidence: The tape falsely suggests that Dame plotted with Jakpa to falsify evidence. In reality, Dame consistently instructed Jakpa to adhere to the existing evidence.
  • Jakpa’s Independence: While Jakpa sometimes disagreed with Dame, the Attorney General never coerced him to change his statements.

Questioning NDC’s Integrity

The doctoring of the tape undermines the credibility of the NDC’s accusations against Dame. This manipulation suggests that the party might have been willing to alter evidence to advance its political objectives.

Support for Attorney General’s Claims

The altered tape supports Dame’s previous assertions that he acted in good faith, without pressuring Jakpa to falsify witness statements.

Calls for Investigation

The revelation of tape doctoring has led to public calls for an investigation into the NDC’s actions. Legal experts argue that the party’s conduct may constitute perjury.

NDC’s Accusations Against Dame

The NDC released the audio recording to substantiate allegations that the third accused, Richard Jakpa, was coached by Attorney General Godfred Dame in the ongoing ambulance bribery case involving Minority Leader Dr. Cassiel Ato Forson. NDC Chairman Johnson Asiedu Nketiah asserted that the recording shows Dame attempting to influence Jakpa’s testimony to implicate Dr. Forson.

Controversy and Court Proceedings

  • Jakpa’s Testimony: Last week, Jakpa claimed in court that he was pressured to provide testimony against the Minority Leader.
  • NDC’s Position: The NDC maintains that the recording corroborates Jakpa’s claims and questions the Attorney General’s conduct. They plan to submit the recording to the court and other relevant authorities for further investigation.

Demand for Suspension

The NDC has called for the immediate suspension of Godfred Dame pending a thorough investigation into the allegations. The Attorney General’s office has not yet issued a statement in response to these claims.

Source: GhanaFeed.Com

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