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‘There Is No Genuine Man Of God In Ghana’ – Reverend Obofuor Says After Seeing Almost All His Members Leave And Join ‘Abodwese’



In a heavenly proclamation that has sent shockwaves through the divine corridors of the Anointed Palace Chapel (APC) and beyond, the illustrious Reverend Kwaku Agyei Antwi, affectionately known as Rev. Obofour, has dropped a celestial bombshell. In a sermon that could only be described as a celestial roast, Rev. Obofour has cautioned Christians against placing their faith in mortal clergymen, boldly claiming that nearly every one of them is flawed—yes, flawed, dear flock, like the cracks in the stained glass windows of the holy sanctuary.

Rev. Obofour, in his usual firebrand style, didn’t hold back as he unleashed a divine diatribe against the unholy shenanigans of some of his pastoral peers. According to the Reverend, the land of Ghana is teeming not with men of God, but with men of questionable repute. “There are no genuine men of God in this country. No pastor is a healer. I’m not attacking the church, which I would never do,” he declared, his tongue firmly in cheek, as he painted a picture of a spiritual landscape more akin to a soap opera than a sanctuary.

Rev. Obofour recounted tales that would make even the most seasoned tabloid editor blush. “The one considered genuine has committed adultery, resulting in divorce. The Bible says if you can’t manage your home, you can’t manage the house of God. I’m not labeling the person as fake, but they have failed,” he stated with the kind of righteous indignation that could only come from a man who’s clearly seen too many episodes of ‘Preachers Behaving Badly’.

The Reverend didn’t stop there. Oh no, he had more divine dirt to dish. He spoke of pastors engaging in fornication, with some even participating in trysts more suited to the pages of a scandalous novel than the annals of a church register. “Those claiming to be genuine men of God engage in threesomes,” he revealed, leaving us to wonder if the next church service will require a PG-13 rating.

And if sexual impropriety wasn’t enough, Rev. Obofour added financial misconduct to the list of pastoral peccadilloes. “Some drive cars and acquire goods from the port without paying duty. Others employ land guards to acquire land through dubious means,” he said, effectively transforming his sermon into an exposé worthy of investigative journalism awards.

In a twist of divine irony, Rev. Obofour suggested that perhaps the smaller, newer churches might offer more potential for true spiritual growth than their larger, more established counterparts. “We don’t attend church to follow a pastor but God,” he reminded the faithful, urging them to focus on their personal relationship with the Almighty and leave judgment to the divine.

So, dear congregants, as you don your Sunday best and head to church, remember Rev. Obofour’s sage advice: trust in God, not in the mortals who might be more interested in earthly pleasures than heavenly virtues. And who knows? Perhaps the next great spiritual revival will come not from the towering cathedrals, but from a humble storefront church, where the only thing scandalous is the divine truth being preached. Amen to that!

Source: GhanaFeed.Com

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