In a dramatic turn of events during the funeral rites for the late Berekumhene, Daasebre Dr Amankona Diawuo II, tensions rose as the Paramount Chief of...
In a poignant display of frustration and despair, Goasomanhene, Nana Akwasi Bosompra, broke down in tears as he decried the neglect of his region in terms...
In a recent press conference held on Tuesday, November 21, 2023, the grieving families and victims of the tragic 2020 Election shooting incident in the Techiman...
In a ceremony marked by grandeur and significance, Yagbonwura Bikunuto Jewu, the esteemed Overlord of Gonjaland, conferred upon the Vice-President of Ghana, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, the...
A horrifying incident unfolded at the Nkwanta Central Market early yesterday morning when armed assailants unleashed a barrage of gunfire on unsuspecting residents, leaving eight dead...
The proposal by former President John Dramani Mahama to cancel the Teacher Licensure Examination has sparked disagreement from the President of The Colleges of Education Teachers...