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Just In: Three Of The Mourners Who Carried Friend’s Corpse Reported Dead



It has emerged that three young men who desecrated their friend’s dead body in Asante Akyem Akutuase have died. While it remains unclear if their deaths are directly linked to the desecration, local residents believe they were punished by the gods of the land.

The young men, who were not natives of Akutuase, had come to the town to bury their friend, whose father is from the area. The incident was confirmed by the Chief of the area, Nana Kofi Bediako, in an interview with Adom News.

Chief Bediako stated that the Traditional Council has implemented punitive measures to prevent such acts from occurring again. The father of the deceased and the individual who recorded and posted the video on social media have been fined. The fines are part of efforts to purify ‘Brosambour,’ the town’s sacred god, during the ‘Awukude3’ festival on July 17, 2024.

“The Traditional Council has taken serious steps to ensure that such despicable acts do not recur,” Nana Bediako affirmed.

Source: GhanaFeed.Com


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