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Essien Is ‘Filthy Rich’; Stop The Negativity – Sammy Kuffuor Addresses Recent News About Ghana Legend



Former Black Stars defender Sammy Osei Kuffour has voiced his concerns over the prevalent negativity in Ghanaian society, urging for a collective shift towards positivity. His remarks follow recent rumors about former football star Michael Essien’s financial status, which Kuffour categorically dismissed as unfounded.

Reports have circulated claiming that Michael Essien is facing financial difficulties, leading to the auctioning of two of his properties under a High Court order. The properties in question are reportedly valued at $20 million and $30 million, respectively. These claims have prompted significant public speculation and media coverage, questioning Essien’s financial stability.

In a firm response, Kuffour criticized the tendency to spread negative news without proper verification. “Bringing the news out and saying Michael is broke is a shame. It is a shame that we are thinking so negatively about our people. We should be positive; Michael is not broke,” Kuffour stated.

Highlighting the lack of direct communication and understanding, Kuffour emphasized the importance of empathy and factual reporting. “You never spoke to the person; you never know exactly what the person is going through. So how can you justify that someone is broke? You have to know if he comes to your house and begs for food,” he argued.

Kuffour also underscored his personal knowledge of Essien’s wealth, asserting, “I know the kind of things that Michael has, and I will not stand anywhere and say Michael is broke. Michael is filthy rich.”

The former footballer’s comments reflect broader concerns about the impact of negativity on the national psyche. Kuffour called for a cultural shift towards positivity, stressing the need to support and uplift one another rather than tearing each other down.

Source: GhanaFeed.Com

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