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Covid-19: ‘We Are At A Critical Point Now’ – Napo



The Minister of Education, Dr. Matthew Opoku Prempeh also known as Napo has said Ghana is in a critical point now in respect to Covid-19.

According to the Minister, the University of Ghana Medical Centre (UGMC) is full due to the increasing number of Covid-19 cases transferred to the health centre.

“It was only God that helped me while I was on admission. I was on admission for about four days when the results [from some of the tests conducted] came that I was positive. I was subsequently discharged after being on admission for almost two weeks.”

“We [Ghana] are at a critical point now. UGMC and Korle Bu are currently full. How many beds are available there? I never visited the ICU but others went to ICU and never returned. We should therefore not be indifferent about the situation because it has not affected any of our relatives,” he added.

He made this on Kwame Sefa Kayi’s Kokrokoo morning show on PeaceFm.


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