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Report: Haruna Iddrisu Fingered In Massive US$2.5M Bribe From South African Business



Haruna Iddrisu, MP for Tamale South

A recent investigative report by News24, a major South African news portal has unearthed allegations of bribery involving prominent Ghanaian politicians and the Ghana Infrastructure Company (GIC), an indigenous firm operating in the country.

The report suggests that substantial sums of money were transferred to top politicians, including Tamale South Member of Parliament, Haruna Iddrisu, and former Ejisu MP Kwabena Owusu Aduomi, in connection with contracts awarded to GIC between 2017 and 2022.

In a detailed exposé published by News24, allegations of bribery and corruption have emerged, implicating prominent Ghanaian politicians in illicit financial transactions with the Ghana Infrastructure Company (GIC). According to the report, Tamale South Member of Parliament, Haruna Iddrisu, allegedly received over US$2.5 million (47 million rands) in bribes from GIC between 2015 and 2020.

The investigative report delves into the activities of siblings Rushil and Nishani Singh, who operated GIC during the specified period. It alleges that Nishani Singh orchestrated various methods to funnel funds directly to Iddrisu or to individuals at his behest, totaling at least R47 million. The transactions purportedly involved payments made from GIC’s accounts to various suppliers or to GIC’s director in Ghana, Asumah Dokurugu.

Furthermore, the report highlights the involvement of former MP Kwabena Owusu Aduomi in the alleged bribery scheme. While Aduomi was not a signatory to the contracts awarded to GIC, his role as deputy roads minister reportedly facilitated the awarding of bids to the company, often on a sole-source basis. It is suggested that Iddrisu acted as the primary intermediary for securing contracts in the Ashanti Region, Aduomi’s constituency, as well as in Tamale, Iddrisu’s constituency.

The report underscores the complexity of the alleged bribery network, implicating key figures in both the political and business spheres. It raises questions about the integrity of the contracting process and the accountability of elected officials in Ghana.

In response to the allegations, both Haruna Iddrisu and Kwabena Owusu Aduomi have denied any wrongdoing, emphasizing their commitment to upholding ethical standards in public office. However, calls for thorough investigations into the matter have intensified, with civil society groups and opposition parties demanding transparency and accountability from relevant authorities.

The allegations brought forth by News24’s investigative report have ignited public outcry and raised concerns about the prevalence of corruption within Ghana’s political landscape. As the story continues to unfold, scrutiny on the relationship between politicians and businesses in awarding contracts is likely to intensify, with implications for governance and accountability in the country.

Source: GhanaFeed.Com

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