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Super OD Took Me To A Hotel, Drugged Me & Raped Me – Actress Janet Ackon Alleges



The Ghanaian entertainment industry has been rocked by allegations of sexual assault after actress Janet Ackon came forward with disturbing accusations against her colleague, the late Super OD. During an interview on Accra-based Atinka FM, Ackon revealed harrowing details of an incident where she alleges Super OD raped her during what was supposed to be a date.

According to Ackon, the incident occurred years ago during their first date, when Super OD covertly laced her drink with a substance that left her feeling dazed and disoriented. She recounted how she fell asleep after consuming the drink, only to wake up and realize that she had been sexually assaulted by Super OD.

In her own words, Ackon stated, “I went out to a hotel with OD. When we got there, I said I would take Fanta not knowing OD had laced my drink with a substance. I slept off only to wake up and see that he had slept with me.” Additionally, she claimed that Super OD warned her against getting involved with other men, especially their colleagues, threatening physical harm and termination of her employment if she disobeyed him.

Ackon’s brave decision to speak out against her alleged assailant has ignited widespread discussions about workplace harassment and the power dynamics within the entertainment industry. Many have expressed solidarity with Ackon while condemning any form of sexual misconduct or abuse of power. Others have also questioned why she is only now coming out with this allegation while her accused is not around to corroborate or disprove her allegations.

Nevertheless, this revelation underscores the urgent need for stronger measures to protect individuals from workplace harassment and abuse. It highlights the importance of creating safe and supportive environments where individuals feel empowered to report incidents of harassment without fear of retaliation.

As discussions continue, it is crucial for stakeholders within the entertainment industry and beyond to prioritize the implementation of robust policies and procedures aimed at preventing and addressing instances of harassment and abuse. Only through collective efforts can meaningful progress be made towards creating a culture of respect, dignity, and accountability in the workplace.

Source: GhanaFeed.Com


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