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“We Will Establish National Joint Action Team To Restore Galamsey Lands” – Mahama



Former President John Dramani Mahama has assured Ghanaians that he will restore galamsey lands and forest when elected as president.

According to the flagbearer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), he stated that his team will establish a national joint action team on mining and forestry. This team will help restore degraded lands, rehabilitate impacted forests and clean polluted water bodied should he be elected again.

Speaking at the third annual Transformational Dialogue on Small-Scale Mining on the theme: “Charting our country mining vision and the future of illegal mining” at the University of Energy and Natural Resources (UENR) at Fiapre in the Bono Region yesterday, Mahama said this initiative would restore the environment and create thousands of jobs in affected mining communities.

Mr Mahama explained that it would be funded through special fees from the Minerals Commission, contributions by the small-scale mining entities and interested plantation companies.

“I will launch #Atree4life project through which re-afforestation by young people in mining areas will become an economically engaging activity. They will supervise the growth of these economically viable tree crops,” he said.


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