The Health Minister, Kwaku Agyeman-Manu, has officially resumed duties after contracting and recovering from the novel Coronavirus. An official confirmation via the twitter of the Health...
The Aflao Traditional Council has in a statement appealed to President Akufo Addo to call military men who have been deployed to the Volta region to...
Popular Ghanaian Investigative Journalist, Anas Aremeyaw Anas has released a teaser of his latest undercover work, titled “Corona Quacks And Thieves In Ghana.” The investigative piece...
Honorable Kennedy Agyapong, has returned after suffering what people say is an embarrassment for Kweku Baako winning a lawsuit against him. The Member of Parliament for...
The drama surrounding the deployment of some military personnel to the Ketu South as part of the security preparations towards the compilation of the New Voters...
The Coalition of aggrieved customers of the collapsed Fund Management Companies in Ghana have described their condition as worse compared to Covid-19. The Secretary of the...