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‘Men Who Look At Women’s Waist beads Live Longer’ – CEO Of KAMA Group



Dr. Michael Agyekum Addo, Chief Executive Officer of KAMA Group of Companies, has stirred the pot with a unique health proposition: men who gaze at beads on the waists of women can enjoy a longer life. In a recent town hall meeting focused on neglected tropical diseases, Dr. Addo, a renowned pharmacist and entrepreneur, attributed the rise in kidney diseases to the modern decline in traditional waist bead wearing.

According to Dr. Addo, our forefathers enjoyed better kidney health not just due to a lack of aphrodisiacs, but because the sight of waist beads on their wives was enough to stimulate their sexual desires. This natural arousal method, he claimed, kept their kidneys in top shape by negating the need for potentially harmful aphrodisiacs.

“The beads were the secret to their long lives,” Dr. Addo mused, perhaps envisioning a time when beads were the cornerstone of a happy, healthy marriage. He lamented that today’s women have largely abandoned this tradition, pushing men toward kidney-damaging substances to boost their sex drive.

In a nod to nostalgia, Dr. Addo called for a return to this bygone era. “Ladies, revive the old ways,” he urged. “Your marriages and your husbands’ kidneys depend on it.”

Dr. Addo’s colorful advice adds to his impressive resume. An alumnus of Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) with a Bachelor’s in Pharmacy and a Master’s in Industrial Management, he began his career with a humble pharmaceutical shop in Kumasi in 1983. Today, he oversees a thriving business empire and runs the Kama Education Project, aimed at nurturing entrepreneurial skills among students.

In addition to his entrepreneurial pursuits, Dr. Addo is an author, penning books designed to inspire a ‘can-do’ attitude in the younger generation. One wonders if his next literary endeavor might explore the untapped health benefits of traditional adornments.

While his waist bead theory may raise eyebrows, Dr. Addo’s passion for preserving both cultural practices and kidney health is undeniable. Whether or not women will take his advice to heart remains to be seen, but one thing is certain: the conversation around waist beads and their supposed benefits is far from over.

Source: GhanaFeed.Com


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