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Kuffour Backs New Voter’s Register, Says Old One Contains Foreigners



Former President John Agyekum Kuffour has added his voice to the ongoing debate about the new voter’s register saying the old one has non-Ghanaians therefore it’s necessary to compile a new one.

Speaking on Onua TV’s Maakye on Wednesday, the former president said most persons used foul means to get their voter identification cards thereby making the voter’s register unworthy.

 “We agree that some people who are not Ghanaians are on the voter’s register. We should do it again because it is not right”, he said.

He further stated that “there are so many people now on the voter’s register and I agree to the new voter’s register. If we get a clean register to vote, it will help”.

The debate on the compilation of a new voter’s register by the Electoral Commission has taken a heated turn as most opposition political parties and political actors continue to kick against it.

Former president Kuffour pointed out that eventhough the Supreme Court ordered for the removal of names of registered persons with NHIS Cards and driver’s license, the register still has persons with these identifications, He said any of these two cards can be obtained by foreigners.

Mandate of EC

Ex Prez Kuffour noted that Ghana is governed by the 1992 Constitution which gives EC the mandate to manage elections in Ghana.

If they have realized we should do a new one, we have to do a new one, he stresed.

He urged persons opposing the Electoral Commission to go to court.

Former prez Kuffour recounted how the opposition party leaders had come to his residence about a year ago to petition him about the compilation of a new voters register by the EC.

“They came to my house somewhere last year. The NDC Chairman, Samuel Ofosu Ampofo, General Secretary, Johnson Asiedu Nketia, PNC National Chairman Bernard Mornah was their spokesperson. Peter Boamah Otukonor and Gyataba came and said they will not agree to the compilation of the new voter’s register”.

“But I told them they are Ghanaians and what the law says is for the EC to manage elections so if they are not in favour, they should go to the Supreme Court for the law court to decide”, he said.

He commended the National Democratic Congress for taking the matter to court. However, he urged them to stop protesting once the matter is in court.

“If they have gone to court and they are still protesting, then it means they are protesting against the Supreme Court and that’s not right,” he stressed.

Social media video

Commenting on a social media video in which he asked the EC to include the old voters ID as requirements for the yet to be compiled register, the former President stated that the interview was granted years ago but felt the register has now been compromised.

“That video is an old video. It was two years or three years ago. The NIA came to my house for the registration and during the interview I said that,” he explained.


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