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I’ve Gone Into A Covenant With God to Deal With Mahama; As Long As I’m Alive He’ll Never Be President Again – Akua Donkor



Founder and leader of the Ghana Freedom Party, Akua Donkor, claims she has entered a convenant with God to deal with former president John Dramani Mahama.

According to Akua Donkor, she enthusiastically supported the former president during the 2012 general elections, but afterwards, the latter colluded with the then-electoral commissioner, Madam Charlotte Osei to crush her goal of becoming president of the country in the 2016 elections.

Speaking in an interview with Rainbow Radio, Akua Donkor stated that until after her death, the former president who is also aspiring to be the NDC’s flagbearer for the 2024 elections will never hold office as president in the country again due to the terms and nature of her covenant with God.

”I went into a covenant with God never to peddle falsehood, so whatever I am saying here today represents nothing but the truth. I prayed and asked God to deal with him (Mahama) for taking me through such pain.

“I supported his campaign in 2012 and helped him win power, but in 2016, he instructed the EC to disqualify me. I then prayed and asked God to deal with him. That prayer worked, and that was why he lost. He will not win the 2024 polls. As long as I am alive, Mahama will never be elected President.”

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