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Gov’t Probe Alleged Demolition Of Nigerian High Commission Property



The government has announced investigations into the alleged demolition of the Nigerian High Commission property in Accra after a team of armed men stormed the premises.

A statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration said such acts breached the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations (VCDR, 1961). It further revealed a beefed up security at the High Commission.

The statement also assured the international community, particularly, the Nigerian High Commission of Ghana’s commitment to ensuring law and order adding that, it was “committed to upholding the principle of the rule of law, where due process is followed at all times.

“The Government will, therefore, not relent on its primary obligation to guarantee the safety of Members of the Diplomatic Corps in Ghana”.

A team of armed men on June 19 used a bulldozer to bring down a building on the premises of the Nigerian High Commissioner in Accra.

According to the security guards who were present at the demolition, they had the backing of a higher authority who claimed to have legal ownership of the land.


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