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GIPC Board Chairman Alex Dadey Lauds Mrs. Mary Anane Awuku At the Launch Of Her Groundbreaking Book, “Entrepreneurial Success”



Mr. Alex Dadey

The African Regent Hotel was abuzz with anticipation and excitement this past Saturday as Mr. Alex Apau Dadey, the distinguished Chairman of the Ghana Investment Promotion Center (GIPC), officially endorsed “Entrepreneurial Success,” a new book authored by Mrs. Mary Anane Awuku. This endorsement comes as a significant validation from a man whose entrepreneurial and philanthropic achievements span over three decades across various global industries.

A Distinguished Career

Mr. Alex Dadey’s extensive career is marked by leadership roles across multiple sectors including Fintech, Logistics, Agriculture, Property Development, and Commerce. His professional journey began in 1986 in the United Kingdom, where he climbed the ranks from Export Sales Supervisor to Export Sales Director at Gordon Richman Textiles Limited. His entrepreneurial spirit led him to establish Qualitexx Limited in 2001, a joint venture with DCD Finance Group PLC, where he played a pivotal role in developing trade finance and venture capital businesses worldwide.

In recognition of his contributions to promoting investment in Ghana, Mr. Dadey was appointed to the Governing Board of the GIPC by President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo in January 2018. He also initiated significant platforms like the Ghana Diaspora Homecoming Summit and the Ghana Investment and Opportunities Summit UK, aimed at involving the Ghanaian diaspora in the country’s socio-economic transformation.

Endorsement of “Entrepreneurial Success”

In his endorsement speech, Mr. Dadey lauded Mrs. Mary Anane Awuku for her comprehensive and practical guide on entrepreneurship. Reflecting on his own journey, he highlighted the importance of apprenticeship and continuous learning. “Mary has done excellently well. She has followed a path of acquiring skills and knowledge before branching out on her own. Wealth creation should be coupled with philanthropy to solve societal problems, such as poverty eradication,” he stated.

He emphasized the necessity of documenting entrepreneurial journeys to serve as a blueprint for future generations, acknowledging that Mrs. Awuku’s book does precisely this. “Entrepreneurial Success” is poised to be an invaluable resource, offering localized insights and practical guidance tailored to the Ghanaian context.

A Closer Look at the Book

“Entrepreneurial Success” is organized into six well-defined chapters, each addressing critical aspects of entrepreneurship:

  1. Competences for Entrepreneurial Success – Discusses the skills and attributes necessary for entrepreneurial success, highlighting the importance of integrating these competences into entrepreneurial performance.
  2. Personal Competences – Explores seven micro-level competences that drive entrepreneurial success, providing practical examples and applications.
  3. Leadership, Relational, and Organizational Competences – Examines the skills required to lead teams and manage organizational dynamics effectively, crucial for sustaining a successful business.
  4. Motivations for Entrepreneurial Endeavors – Delves into what drives individuals to pursue entrepreneurship, emphasizing proactive rather than reactive motivations.
  5. Challenges Facing Entrepreneurs in Ghana – Identifies unique Ghanaian challenges that affect SMEs, offering insights into overcoming these hurdles.
  6. Opportunities for Entrepreneurial Growth – Highlights the growth prospects and avenues available for Ghanaian SMEs.

Each chapter is enriched with practical examples and real-life case studies, making complex business concepts accessible to a broad audience.

Government’s Commitment to SMEs

The Special Guest of Honor, Hon. Abena Osei Asare, underscored the government’s dedication to supporting SMEs, which constitute over 90% of existing companies, account for 85% of manufacturing jobs, and contribute 70% to Ghana’s GDP. She announced the launch of the SME Opportunities and Growth Fund in July, aimed at helping SMEs gain a stronger foothold and transitioning select SMEs into larger enterprises to spur economic growth and job creation.

A Call to Action

The launch of “Entrepreneurial Success” concluded with a call to action for all stakeholders to support the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Ghana. Mrs. Mary Anane Awuku’s book is not just a testament to her personal journey but also a beacon for aspiring entrepreneurs navigating the complexities of the business world.

Source: GhanaFeed.Com


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