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Different Election Year, Same Old NDC – Politics Of Stale Tactics And Siege Mentality



The NDC’s Strategy In The Last two Elections: Rinse, Repeat, and Revile

As we approach the 2024 election, the National Democratic Congress (NDC) has dusted off its tried-and-tested playbook, one that has yielded spectacularly underwhelming results in the past two elections. With clockwork precision, the NDC has revived its perennial strategy: demonize the Electoral Commission (EC), accuse the New Patriotic Party (NPP) of nefarious collusions, and adopt a doomsday rhetoric that hints at chaos should they fail to secure victory. It’s a strategy reminiscent of the adage “if at first you don’t succeed, try the exact same thing twice more.”

In a political climate ripe for change—courtesy of the NPP’s apparent inability to rescue the cedi from the dollar’s chokehold and a visibly deteriorating economy—the NDC has yet to grasp the simple formula of offering a better alternative. Instead, their flagship policy, the much-touted 24-hour economy, remains an enigma. How does it work? What benefits does it bring? These questions hang unanswered, leaving the public to wonder if the policy’s name is more literal than intended: an economy that lasts only 24 hours before collapsing.

Meanwhile, Vice President Bawumia, the incumbent candidate, is hitting the campaign trail with the fervor of a man who has never tasted power. Bawumia’s strategy involves meeting voters where they are, listening to their grievances, and incorporating their feedback into his manifesto. It’s a novel approach, evidently alien to the NDC, that might explain why the NPP still believes a third consecutive victory is within reach.

The NDC, rather than engage in such pedestrian pursuits as connecting with voters, appears fixated on waging a war of attrition against Jean Mensa, the EC boss. Their underlying fantasy seems to be that incessant bickering might somehow undo Mensa’s appointment and reinstate their preferred Charlotte Osei. It’s a peculiar gambit, akin to demanding a referee be changed mid-game because you’re losing, with no thought given to actually improving your play.

Adding to this colorful tableau is Kevin Taylor, the NDC’s self-appointed attack dog operating from the safe distance of a foreign land. Taylor’s strategy involves hurling vitriol at Asantes and their revered King, presumably under the impression that such insults will either scare them away from the polls or confuse them into voting for the NDC. It’s a masterclass in delusional tactics: insult your potential voters and expect their support.

One might think that with the stakes so high and the NPP’s performance faltering, the NDC would seize the moment to present themselves as the competent, visionary alternative. Instead, they have chosen to resurrect the ghosts of electoral defeats past, relying on the same old accusations and fear-mongering that failed them before. It’s as if they’re saying, “If you can’t win them over, bore them into submission.”

As we count down the six months to the 2024 election, the NDC’s strategy—or lack thereof—unfolds like a tragicomedy. Their refusal to adapt, to present clear and compelling policies, and to genuinely engage with the electorate is not just a failure of imagination; it’s a disservice to the very people they claim to champion.

In a world where political dynamism and responsiveness are key, the NDC’s approach feels like an anachronism. One can only hope that, in the spirit of democracy, the NDC might surprise us all and, just this once, prioritize substance over spectacle. But until then, we are left to watch this farce play out, with the NDC staunchly committed to the belief that third time’s the charm—even when the charm is invisible to all but themselves.

Source: GhanaFeed.Com

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