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Cyril Ramaphosa Sworn In For A Second Time As South Africa President Despite Losing Parliamentary Majority



President Cyril Ramaphosa

Cyril Ramaphosa has been inaugurated for a second full term as President of South Africa, despite the African National Congress (ANC) failing to secure a parliamentary majority in last month’s election. The ANC, which has governed since the end of apartheid in 1994, saw a significant decline in support, securing only 40% of the vote—a drop of 17 percentage points—resulting in the loss of 70 parliamentary seats.

In a historic turn of events, lawmakers re-elected Ramaphosa last week following a coalition agreement between the ANC and its long-time rival, the Democratic Alliance (DA), along with other smaller parties. This coalition enabled Ramaphosa to retain the presidency despite the ANC’s weakened position. The coalition accounts for 68% of parliamentary seats, with the DA coming second in the elections with 22% of the vote.

The swearing-in ceremony, attended by numerous dignitaries including several African heads of state, featured Ramaphosa pledging his commitment to the Republic of South Africa. Chief Justice Raymond Zondo administered the oath of office, followed by a national anthem performance, a 21-gun salute, and an army helicopter fly-past. In his inaugural address, Ramaphosa outlined his vision for the country’s future.

The uMkhonto weSizwe (MK) party formed six months ago by former President Jacob Zuma says its officials will not participate in the “farcical” inauguration.

The party, which won 15% of votes and obtained 58 parliamentary seats, also boycotted parliament’s first sitting last Friday.

Mr Ramaphosa has kept the presidency even though the ANC vote fell by 17 percentage points and it lost 70 seats in parliament.

He did this through a power-sharing arrangement with the pro-business DA, a historic rival, and other parties.
The ANC got 40% of the vote, while the DA came second with 22%.

The coalition is a move to the political centre, because the ANC’s left-wing and populist breakaway parties rejected the invitation to join a national unity government.

Mr Ramaphosa is expected to appoint a cabinet in the coming days, which is to include his new coalition partners – the DA and three other smaller parties. Together, the coalition accounts for 68% of seats in parliament.

The president is also expected to set out an agenda to rescue the flailing economy.

Under his rule, the economic performance has continued to suffer amid power cuts, rising crime and unemployment.

Mr Ramaphosa first became president in 2018 when his predecessor, Mr Zuma, was forced to resign because of corruption allegations – which he denied.

Source: GhanaFeed.Com

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