Renowned Investigative Journalist, Manasseh Azure Awuni has in a usual coded message, addressed his disappointment in an unnamed ‘old man’, who failed to be different as...
The Judicial Service through the office of the Judicial Secretary has directed online Media powerhouse, Ghanaweb to render an unqualified apology for a false publication they...
United States Presidential hopeful, and former Vice President of the US, Joe Biden has cautioned the President of Nigeria, Muhamadu Buhari to put an end to...
Some News reports emerging from neighbouring Nigeria allege that the incumbent President of the country died in 2017 and was subsequently replaced with a clone who...
A 45-year-old contractor has been hauled before the Accra Circuit Court for allegedly defrauding a security officer at the Jubilee House. Kingsford Painstil, made away with...
The flagbearer of the opposition National Democratic Congress, John Dramani Mahama has revealed that his wife, Lordina Mahama will not take part in active politics or...
Some Ghanaian female celebrities have taken to their social media handles to mount pressure on President Akufo-Addo to speak on the unfortunate massacre of unarmed peaceful...
The fate of the December 2020 general elections hang on the balance as some disgruntled disqualified candidates threaten to run to the courts to obtain an...
President Akufo-Addo has effectively resisted pressure mounted on him by concerned Ghanaians to use his position as ECOWAS chair to prevail upon President Muhamadu Buhari of...
A poll administered by the Institute of Economic Affairs on their Twitter handle has returned a whopping 57% in favor of President Akufo-Addo. The Twitter-based poll...