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Assistant Headmaster Dies On The Spot After Falling Into His Own Galamsey Pit



A 47-year old Assistant Headmaster of the Mpatasie D/A Junior High School in the Amansie South District of the Ashanti Region has died after falling into an uncovered galamsey pit.

The deceased, Kwasi Anane, according to officials, had embarked on a routine trip to check on his own mining concession when the unfortunate incident occured.

The sad incident is said to have occured on Tuesday, 4th October when the deceased missed his step and fell into one of the abandoned mining pits.

He was immediately pulled out of the muddy pit after a rescue mission but was confirmed dead at the scene.

“He is a teacher and he also has a concession so he went to the site very late. He stood on top of the pit and in an attempt to make a step he slipped and fell into the pit. His body has been deposited at the St. Martin’s Hospital at Agroyesum”, Nsiah said.

“The fight against galamsey is not paying off. For instance when you come to Amansie South nearly 80 percent of the indegines are into illegal mining. In the last two months we have lost at least six lives at separate locations and that is very worrying”, he added.

Source: GhanaFeed.Com


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