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Arguments On New Voter’s Register Needs ‘Thorough Examination’ – Rawlings



Former President Jerry John Rawlings has urged the Electoral Commission (EC) to consider doing more engagements and consultations to ensure the December 7 Polls turn out peaceful and fair.

He prayed the EC to ensure ‘transparent and unblemished process’ ahead of the elections in December.

Mr. Rawlings was addressing a virtual durbar to commemorate the 41st anniversary of the June 4 uprising in 1979 on the theme, “strengthening the spirit of patriotism, resilience and integrity in difficult times.”

In calling for support towards the Electoral Commission to conduct a fair election, the former president added his voice on the debates surrounding the compilation of the new voter’s register saying, “needs thorough examination.”

The annual June 4 celebration marks a revolution in Ghana’s political history where members of the military, especially the junior ranks, took over the governance of Ghana after the country was swamped with corruption in 1979.


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