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Ambulance Saga: Attorney General Holds On To His Video Evidence As Ato Forson Denies Begging For Case To Be Dropped



Casseiel Ato Forson

In a surprising twist of political intrigue, Minority Leader Ato Forson has become the latest character in what could be dubbed Ghana’s most dramatic reality show: “Attorney General’s House Call.” Despite his robust denials, sources with a penchant for theatrical flair allege Forson’s midnight mission to the AG’s residence was anything but a routine courtesy call.

Forson’s Fabled Visit: Reality or Reality TV?

According to insiders from Ghanafeed’s never-ending story archives, the Minority Leader, alongside a senior MP with a taste for late-night diplomacy, ventured to the home of Attorney General Godfred Yeboah Dame. Their mission? To beseech the AG to drop the pesky trial that accuses Forson and his co-stars of inflicting a €2.37 million financial loss on the state with their ‘defective’ ambulance procurement. Rumor has it, the AG captured this nocturnal visit on video.

The Great Ambulance Heist: Plot Thickens

The ambulances in question, which now appear to be more suitable for scenic tours than emergency rescues, have landed Forson and his comrade Richard Jakpa in hot legal waters. Court documents claim these vehicles lack essential life-saving equipment, a revelation that adds a darkly comedic twist to the saga.

Pressure Cooker Politics: Starring Former President Mahama

The plot intensifies as former President John Mahama reportedly plays the shadowy puppet master, allegedly using his considerable influence to pressure the AG into dropping the trial. This narrative twist supposedly includes making the trial’s discontinuance a bargaining chip for parliamentary cooperation—a political thriller’s Machiavellian move if there ever was one.

Persistent Pressure and Political Parrying

The AG, displaying a resilience worthy of a leading man, has reportedly stood firm against a barrage of pressures from all corners, including senior NPP members. One source colorfully described the AG’s office as a modern-day Alamo, besieged but unyielding. This steadfastness, combined with an entertaining backstory of past skirmishes with the NDC, paints Dame as a hero in an epic struggle against political meddling.

NDC’s Long History with Dame: A Never-Ending Story

The NDC’s disdain for Dame, critics suggest, is rooted in his indomitable presence since his deputy days. Their attempts to cast him as the villain have, so far, been more soap opera than Shakespeare. From parliamentary grillings to press conferences dripping with dramatic accusations, the NDC’s narrative appears as a continuous loop of “Attack the AG,” featuring regular plot devices to discredit him.

Justice or Just Desserts?

With all the elements of a high-stakes courtroom drama, the true climax awaits in the court’s decision. Forson’s reluctance to put his plea bargain in writing, fearing societal judgment, adds a touch of tragic heroism to his character. Meanwhile, the AG’s adherence to prosecutorial integrity underlines the storyline’s moral axis.

Conclusion: The Real Show Must Go On

As the trial continues to unravel, one can only hope the pressure abates enough to let justice take its course, unimpeded by off-stage antics. Whether Forson and Jakpa are villains or victims remains for the court to decide, but one thing is certain: Ghana’s political theater has never been more riveting.

Source: GhanaFeed.Com

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