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Yaw Sarpong, Wife And Tiwaah’s Brouhaha – Auntie Naa Deserves Her Flowers, Not Sticks



Auntie Naa

Ghanaians were greeted with shock and dismay when Maame Pinamang, the wife of renowned gospel musician Yaw Sarpong, aired a deeply personal family dispute on Oyerepa Afutuo, a popular social issues show hosted by Auntie Naa on Kumasi-based Oyerepa FM. This public display has sparked intense debate and concern across the nation.

Emotional Revelations and Allegations

In an emotionally charged segment, Maame Pinamang revealed that she has been prohibited by her husband’s family from visiting him while he receives spiritual treatment from Bishop J.Y. Adu in Ampayoo, a suburb of Kumasi. This restriction has caused her significant distress, especially given the critical state of Yaw Sarpong’s health.

The situation took an even more dramatic turn when Maame Pinamang made serious allegations regarding her husband’s relationship with his long-time backing vocalist, Tiwaah. She claimed that Yaw Sarpong and Tiwaah are involved in an amorous relationship, compounding her grievances and heightening the family tension. The public confrontation between Maame Pinamang and the respected Tiwaah on Oyerepa FM descended into a shameful spectacle, with Maame Pinamang using unprintable words to describe Tiwaah.

Yaw Sarpong and Tiwaah

Public Reaction and Criticism of Auntie Naa

Following the broadcast, many expressed disappointment in Auntie Naa for allowing such a personal matter to air publicly. Critics argued that given the legendary status of Yaw Sarpong and Tiwaah, and Yaw Sarpong’s current ill health, the issue should have been resolved privately. However, it is important to understand the broader context and the constraints within which Auntie Naa operates.

Auntie Naa’s Position and the Reality of Media Dynamics

Auntie Naa is an employee with key performance indicators (KPIs) to meet, including audience share and social media engagement. Before the show, she clarified that she had attempted to settle the matter off-air, but Maame Tiwaah refused to grant audience. Moreover, even if Auntie Naa had declined to take on this case, it could have easily been picked up by one of her competitors.

In this light, Auntie Naa’s actions can be seen as part of the larger media landscape where sensational stories often attract viewership and engagement. Auntie Naa’s role as a mediator and host is to navigate these dynamics while attempting to bring resolution to the issues presented. Therefore, it is unfair the amount of criticism she is receiving when all she did was to see to do her job.

Broader Implications and Lessons

This incident brings to light two critical lessons for men, particularly those in positions of influence and wealth:

  1. Health is Paramount: Disease is a man’s greatest enemy. Yaw Sarpong’s current health condition has undoubtedly exacerbated the family’s turmoil. Because if he was still up and about, there is no way we would have been greeted by the controversy we witnessed yesterday. It also serves as a stark reminder of the importance of prioritizing one’s health and well-being above all else.
  2. Financial Transparency and Trust: Money can bring out the worst in people. The timing of Maame Pinamang’s appearance on the show, coinciding with the recent donation of 100,000 cedis by Dr. Bawumia to her ailing husband, raises questions about her underlying motivations. This is more reason why men should sometimes prioritize their own interest, even as they shoulder their families’ burdens. Because in the end, men are nothing but gold mines to women (well, most of them).


Broader Implications and Lessons

This incident brings to light two critical lessons for men, particularly those in positions of influence and wealth:

  1. Health is Paramount: Disease is a man’s greatest enemy. Yaw Sarpong’s current health condition has undoubtedly exacerbated the family’s turmoil. It serves as a stark reminder of the importance of prioritizing one’s health and well-being above all else.
  2. Financial Transparency and Trust: Money can bring out the worst in people. The timing of Maame Pinamang’s appearance on the show, coinciding with the recent donation of 100,000 cedis by Dr. Bawumia to her ailing husband, raises questions about the underlying motivations. It highlights the need for transparency and trust within families, especially when significant financial matters are at stake.


The public airing of Yaw Sarpong’s family dispute on Oyerepa FM has ignited a national conversation about the complexities of health, wealth, and family dynamics. Maame Pinamang’s revelations and allegations have not only shocked the public but also highlighted the profound distress that can arise from familial conflicts, especially when exacerbated by illness and financial concerns.

While Auntie Naa’s decision to broadcast the issue has faced criticism, it is important to recognize the broader media pressures and the context in which she operates. Her attempts to mediate off-air show a desire to handle the matter discreetly, even though circumstances ultimately led to a public confrontation.

This incident serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of prioritizing health, maintaining financial transparency, and fostering trust within families. It also underscores the need for private resolution of deeply personal matters to prevent the escalation of conflicts in the public eye. As Ghanaians reflect on this episode, the hope is that these lessons will lead to greater understanding and more compassionate handling of family disputes in the future. And while at that, lets cut Auntie Naa some slack. The fact that Yaw Sarpong’s wife chose her show to air her grievances over her several competitors shows just how much of a niche she has carved for herself and her show. Ultimately, Naa deserves her carrots and certainly not sticks.

Source: GhanaFeed.Com

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