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Trainee Nurses In Ghana Commend Vice President Bawumia For Timely Allowance Disbursement



In a resounding chorus of gratitude and appreciation, trainee nurses across Ghana are celebrating the long-awaited fulfillment of their allowances, attributing their joy to the instrumental role played by Vice President Dr. Mahamadu Bawumia in ensuring the prompt disbursement of their financial support packages.

The Ghana National Association of Concerned Nursing Trainees (GNACNT) has issued a formal commendation towards Dr. Bawumia, expressing heartfelt appreciation for his pivotal role in orchestrating the timely payment of their stipends. This action, the association notes, comes as a significant relief amidst the financial constraints that have often challenged their academic pursuits.

In a formal missive dated May 23, 2024, the GNACNT lavished praises on Vice President Bawumia, highlighting his resolute commitment to safeguarding the welfare of nursing trainees and facilitating the seamless allocation of deserved allowances. The association extended special thanks to Dr. Bawumia for his unwavering dedication, underscoring his enduring leadership and proactive strides in advancing the aspirations of aspiring healthcare professionals.

The jubilation sweeping through the nursing trainee community echoes against the backdrop of past assurances delivered by Vice President Bawumia during a recent visit to the Bono Region. During this visit, Dr. Bawumia pledged the expeditious release of GH¢177 million to settle outstanding allowances earmarked for nursing trainees nationwide by May 16, 2024.

The tangible manifestation of this commitment materialized this week as trainees commenced receiving their long-awaited allowances, validating the veracity of the government’s commitments and fostering sentiments of trust and appreciation towards Vice President Bawumia’s stewardship.

Dr. Bawumia’s pledge to release an amount of GH¢177 million to the Ministry of Health to clear arrears owed to nursing trainees in the country by Thursday, May 16, 2024, stands fulfilled, marking a significant milestone in the government’s efforts to support the education and development of healthcare professionals in Ghana.

Source: GhanaFeed.Com

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