Big Akwes and Nana Ama McBrown provided an intriguing conclusion to the most recent episode of “McBrown’s Kitchen.” The show was filled with conflicting feelings, and...
Kumawood actor, Christian Akwasi Asamoah, popularly known as Big Akwes, has barred Nana Ama McBrown from associating with people he regards as enemies. Earlier in a...
As Big Akwes slapped Frank Naro and threatened to beat him mercilessly, the well-known Kumawood actor filed a formal police report about the incident. Big Akwes and Frank Naro got into an argument on social media about something that hasn’t yet been made public. After organizing a party for various actors, producers, and directors, Frank Naro was accused by Big Akwes of employing “JuJu” to damage some of the actors. As Frank Naro sought to shake Big Akwes’ hand during the Actors Val’s Day gala event, the actor was slapped in a viral video. Speaking in an interview with Kumasi-based Angel Fm drive time show hosted by Papa Kay, Frank Naro revealed that...
When two Kumawood actors, Big Akwes and Frank Naro, finally met in person after their feud on social media, tensions increased and things quickly escalated. When Frank Naro was asked to welcome Big Akwes as he (Naro) was greeting attendees at an event, what was intended to be a friendly exchange turned into a heated argument. Since Big Akwes threatened to take Frank Naro’s life over reports that the singer planned to sacrifice certain Kumawood actors for money rituals, the two have not had the greatest of relationships. In an earlier viral video, Big Akwes was shown cursing Frank Naro while holding an egg and schnapps bottle, stating that the artist had attempted to sacrifice his bandmates for money rituals during an event. “If you go somewhere and you’ve been asked to offer a sacrifice, why would you resort to using actors? People take months...
Tensions heightened and things escalated so fast when two Kumawood actors, Big Akwes and Frank Naro, met in person for the first time following their feud...