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RE: Arrest Sammy Awuku For Harboring Criminals – Security Analyst



Saamy Awuku

Following comments attributed to one Anthony Acquaye on remarks made by Mr. Sammy Awuku when he appeared as a guest on Peace FM, we wish to respond as follows:

Rejoinder to Anthony Acquaye’s Argument on Sammi Awuku’s Comments

May 17, 2024

In response to the recent calls for the arrest of Mr. Sammi Awuku, the National Director of the National Lottery Authority (NLA), it is necessary to address and clarify the context of his statements during a panel discussion on Peace FM.

Anthony Acquaye, a Security Policy Analyst, has suggested that Mr. Awuku’s comments about engaging with all segments of society, including those involved in criminal activities, during campaign seasons warrant immediate arrest. Mr. Acquaye interprets these remarks as an admission of criminal knowledge and complicity, thus calling for legal action against Mr. Awuku. However, this interpretation is both misplaced and sensationalized.

Mr. Awuku’s comments were made within the context of political outreach during election campaigns. It is a well-known and rather unremarkable fact that during campaign periods, political operatives aim to reach every voter, irrespective of their background. Mr. Awuku’s point was not a confession of criminal complicity but an illustration of the inclusive nature of political campaigns. To suggest that his remarks constitute a criminal offense is to misconstrue the very essence of his statement.

Moreover, Mr. Awuku was highlighting the reality that political campaigns strive to engage with all citizens, recognizing their right to vote. This does not translate to endorsing or condoning criminal behavior. It merely underscores the principle that no segment of society, however marginalized, is ignored during elections. One might say it’s akin to suggesting that a politician engaging with the general populace should also be held accountable for every misdeed within that populace.

To suggest that Mr. Awuku should be arrested for this is an exaggeration of the highest order. It implies a gross misunderstanding of campaign dynamics and the rhetoric often employed to emphasize inclusivity. If we were to follow Mr. Acquaye’s logic to its ultimate conclusion, we would need to arrest every political figure who has ever spoken to anyone with a dubious background—a proposition that is both impractical and absurd.

It is essential to maintain a clear distinction between a figure of speech used to illustrate comprehensive outreach and an actual criminal confession. Mr. Awuku’s comments fall decidedly in the former category. The hyperbolic response calling for his arrest serves only to distract from genuine issues of public safety and security.

In summary, Mr. Awuku’s remarks were an attempt to convey the exhaustive efforts of political campaigns to engage with every voter. They should not be misconstrued as an admission of criminal activity. The call for his arrest is an overreaction that fails to appreciate the context and intent of his comments. We must exercise discernment and avoid turning political discourse into a theater of the absurd.

Source: GhanaFeed.Com

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