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President Nana Addo Forwards Petition Seeking Special Prosecutor’s Removal To Chief Justice



The Special Prosecutor, Kissi Agyabeng is facing an impeachment following Martin Amidu’s petition seeking to remove him.

As reported by Joy News, Martin Amidu, former Special Prosecutor alleges procurement breaches in the purchase of vehicles for the Office of the Special Prosecutor (OSP) and abuses involving judges and the administration of justice.

Other allegations levelled against Kissi Agyabeng are; violations of citizens’ rights through arrests and detentions, violations of the right to information, and improper appointments of personnel to the office.

According to Joy News report, this impeachment levelled against the Special Prosecutor is as a result of an explosive press conference he held, during which he alleged that Judges had conspired against him.

Mr Amidu also claims that by arresting individuals such as Cecilia Dapaah and Prof. Frimpong Boateng, the Special Prosecutor abused their rights.

Additionally, Mr. Amidu alleges a violation of the right to information when Mr Agyabeng requested appointment letters and salary details of all OSP staff to be put on a pen drive for him, as well as issues with the appointment of personnel to the office.

It has also been revealed that the pesident, Nana Akufo-Addo has forwarded the petition seeking to remove the Special Prosecutor, Kissi Agyabeng to the Chief Justice.


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