Former Black Stars defender Sammy Osei Kuffour has voiced his concerns over the prevalent negativity in Ghanaian society, urging for a collective shift towards positivity. His...
A second-year student of the Christian Service University College has sustained a head injury following an alleged assault by supporters of the opposition National Democratic Congress...
The ongoing ambulance procurement trial took a dramatic turn as Richard Jakpa, the third accused, made startling statements before the Accra High Court, unveiling alleged private...
The governing board of the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) has announced the renewal of Professor Rita Akosua Dickson’s appointment as Vice Chancellor....
The trial of Minority Leader Dr. Cassiel Ato Forson is significantly impacting the operations of Parliament, as National Democratic Congress (NDC) Members of Parliament have chosen...
Six Ghanaian nationals have tragically lost their lives in Mecca due to a severe heat wave sweeping through Saudi Arabia, bringing the total death toll among...