Traders associations in Kumasi have voiced their frustration and issued a stern warning to the New Patriotic Party (NPP), expressing dissatisfaction over the government’s failure to...
Dennis Miracle Aboagye, the spokesperson for Dr. Bawumia’s campaign team, has announced that the proposed Tertiary Scholarship program for persons with disabilities, championed by Vice President...
Kumasi - 7th May, 2024 Addressing a gathering of chiefs and loyalists at the St. Cyprians Anglican Church in Kumasi on the occasion of his 74th...
In the last few weeks I have observed with concern how many big-wigs of the largest opposition party the National Democratic Congress have struggled defending the...
In a solemn moment for The Church of Pentecost, followers mourn the passing of their esteemed leader, Apostle Dr. Michael Ntumy, who breathed his last on...
A Former Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Michael Kwabena Ntumy has passed on to glory today at age 65, the Church has announced. Dr....