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Otumfuor’s Brother Becomes The Latest Chief To Be Ordered To Stand Up By Akufo-Addo – Full Details

In a recent incident that has sparked considerable discussion, the President of Ghana, Nana Akufo-Addo requested Mampontenhene to stand before shaking his hand during a public appearance. The clip of the event shows that other chiefs seated next to Mampontenhene had already stood up as the President approached. Notably, the immediate chief next to Mampontenhene, Otumfuo Oyokohene, the head of the Oyoko Clan, was already standing.

A brief background on the Oyoko Clan: Oyoko is one of the twelve traditional divisions or clans in the Asante Kingdom. It is also the clan which rules the Asante Kingdom, this the Asantehene is from the Oyoko clan. Mampontenhene is part of the Oyoko Clan, making him a brother to Otumfuo. Thus, the chiefs in the clip were Oyoko clan chiefs. The Oyokohene, being the head of the clan, stood up as the President approached. Traditionally, Mampontenhene, who is younger than Oyokohene but older than the President, would be expected to follow suit.

However, it is essential to note that Mampontenhene’s failure to stand was not a sign of disrespect. It is well-known in Manhyia that Otumfuo has been excusing Mampontenhene from standing due to health reasons. For the past few months, whenever a situation required Mampontenhene to stand, Otumfuo has allowed him to remain seated, sometimes humorously advising others not to worry “his old man” whose health needs to be preserved. The emphasis has been on Mampontenhene’s presence rather than his participation.

Given this context, one might question how the President could have known about Mampontenhene’s health condition.

It is important to state though hat the President knows Mampontenhene personally and very well, on an informal, friendly level. Their relationship has been sour these days, especially since the Mampontenhene led a demonstration of Kwabena people against the President’s perceived neglect of their roads. Indeed, in the last two elections, President Akufo-Addo received the highest votes of the Ashanti Region from the Kwabre enclave.

In traditional settings, failing to stand, even for a chief could once lead to severe consequences. However, in modern times, such strict adherence to protocol may need re-evaluation, especially when health considerations are at play. The President’s insistence on Mampontenhene standing might have overlooked a critical aspect of the chief’s well-being.

In future situations, it might be prudent for leaders to acknowledge and respect the health conditions of individuals, especially those in esteemed positions. A simple handshake with those standing could suffice, ensuring no one is placed in an uncomfortable or potentially harmful situation. This approach would preserve both respect and the well-being of all parties involved.

Source: GhanaFeed.Com

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