Foreign News

Nigeria President, Tinubu Falls During Democracy Day Celebration

Nigeria’s President Tinubu Suffers Minor Fall During Democracy Day Celebration

President Bola Tinubu experienced a minor fall at an official event marking the 25th anniversary of Nigeria’s democracy. The incident occurred as the 72-year-old president attempted to climb the steps of a vehicle meant to transport him around Eagle Square in the capital city.

The fall, which was described as a “mild misstep” by presidential aide Dada Olusegun, necessitated assistance to help President Tinubu back to his feet. Despite the brief interruption, the president continued with the scheduled ceremonial rounds without further issues. “He immediately went on with the ceremonial rounds. No issues,” Olusegun reported on X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter.

The incident has drawn sympathy from various quarters. Atiku Abubakar, President Tinubu’s main opponent in last year’s election, expressed his concern. “I sincerely sympathise with President Bola Tinubu over this unfortunate incident as he was set to review the parade on Democracy Day. I do hope that all is well with him,” he stated on X.

Popular politician and activist Shehu Sani downplayed the significance of the fall, noting that such incidents can happen to anyone. “Not Just President Tinubu, anyone alive can trip and fall; it happened to President Biden and Fidel Castro. Presidents are human beings and mortals,” Sani commented.

Reactions from the public on social media ranged from concern to expressions of empathy. X user Arinze Odira described the fall as “scary to watch,” while Charles Awuzie, a Nigerian posting on Facebook, expressed emotional distress upon viewing the clip. “Whether it is President Biden or President Tinubu, I usually feel hurt when a human gets hurt in the place of service. I wish the president well,” Awuzie wrote.

While the majority of responses have been supportive and sympathetic, the incident has also revived discussions about President Tinubu’s health, a topic that was heavily scrutinized during last year’s tightly contested election.

Source: GhanaFeed.Com

Published by
Emmanuel Frimpong, Managing Editor

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