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NDC’s Defeat In The 2024 Elections Will Be Like A Movie To Them – Bawumia Jabs



Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia

Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, the flagbearer of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), has expressed strong criticism towards the National Democratic Congress (NDC) for their premature assertions of victory in the upcoming 2024 elections. With the election just seven months away, Dr. Bawumia voiced his skepticism about the NDC’s confidence during his speech at the NPP-USA’s 30th Anniversary event, themed “30 Years of Political Dedication and Sacrifice; Honouring Our Heroes, Preserving Our Legacy, Securing Our Future Through Victory,” held at the Hilton Alexandria Mark Center in Alexandria, Virginia.

Addressing over 200 participants, Dr. Bawumia challenged the NDC to substantiate their claims of impending victory. “We are facing an election in about seven months, and it is us against our opponent, which is the NDC. They are seriously lacing their boots, and in fact, they are thinking, if you listen to them, that they have already won the elections. That is the noise they have been making,” he remarked.

Dr. Bawumia questioned the basis for the NDC’s confidence, urging them to justify their claims. “What you will ask them is for the where? Where are they going to pass to win this election, and on what basis are they even going to claim that they have a chance?” he inquired, further questioning the NDC’s record in governance, performance, and vision. “Is it their record in government when they were in government? Is it their performance or vision? So where are they going to pass? As I say, it will be like a movie to them.”

Highlighting the NDC’s previous tenure, Dr. Bawumia pointed to what he described as economic failures under their administration. “Because when you look at their record in government, is it something that even though they think we have short memories. We saw how economic growth basically collapsed. We saw low agricultural and industrial growth. They saw an economy that did not face crisis,” he asserted.

Dr. Bawumia’s remarks come at a critical juncture as both parties gear up for the 2024 elections. His speech aimed to galvanize support within the NPP ranks while casting doubt on the NDC’s preparedness and track record. The event, held at the Hilton Alexandria Mark Center, underscored the NPP’s commitment to honoring their past achievements while focusing on future electoral success.

As the election approaches, the political climate in Ghana continues to heat up, with both parties rallying their supporters and presenting their visions for the country’s future. Dr. Bawumia’s critique of the NDC’s early victory claims adds another layer to the unfolding political narrative, emphasizing the high stakes and intense competition characterizing the upcoming electoral contest.

Source: GhanaFeed.Com

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