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Minority V/R MPs Give Government 24Hr Ultimatum To Withdraw Military From Ketu South



The Volta Regional minority caucus in Parliament has issued a 1-day ultimatum to government to withdraw the security personnel from Ghana’s borders in the Volta Region.

They made this known during the NDC’s weekly press briefing when Emmanuel Bedzrah, Chairman of the Volta Regional Caucus, stressed that the soldiers be withdrawn from their frontiers and be sent back to their barracks.

“The fire has been laid, and we the Voltarians are ready. We are not cowards and I want to repeat that, we are not cowards,” he said.

The Ho West MP added, “We don’t fear people, we only respect people and therefore, whoever deployed the military personnel to our borders should call them back immediately. We are giving them up to the end of tomorrow, Tuesday, the military personnel must be called back.”

Source: GhanaFeed.Com

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