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Military Influx: ASEPA Accuses Gov’t of Setting ‘Deadly Precedence’ In Volta Region



Civil Society Organisation, Alliance for Social Equity and Public Accountability (ASEPA) has hit out at government over the deployment of military personnel to the Volta region.

In press statement issued on Monday, June 29, 2020, ASEPA warned government of setting a ‘deadly precedence’ with the said situation.

The statement signed by Oscar Bedzra, a policy analyst at ASEPA said, “reliable information reaching ASEPA has it that, during the early hours of Sunday, June 28th 2020, the Deputy Constituency Secretary for the governing New Patriotic Party (NPP) in the Ho Central Constituency of the Volta Region, arrived at the Shia border in a Nissan-Patrol vehicle.

“Further checks revealed that this secretary came in the company of over 40 armed military personnel to complement the existing immigration officers at the said border within the Ho Central constituency,” it read.

According to ASEPA, the constituency secretary has tasked the polling station executives of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) around the border towns, to show the military additional points to enable them prevent Ghanaians from entering and registering for the voter ID cards.

“Fellow Ghanaians, it would be recalled that the National Disaster Management Organization (NADMO) had on the 3rd of February 2020, presented some relief items to Ghanaians at the Port De Perch (Fishing Harbour) in Katanga, Togo.

“A delegation led by the following officials under President Nana Akufo-Addo’s government, namely the Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister, Hon Mohammed Habib Tajani, Hon Henry Quartey who is the then deputy minister in charge of Interior as well as the director-general of NADMO in the person of Mr Eric Agyemang Prempeh and his deputy …In this regard, ASEPA strongly believes that this ongoing move in the Volta region is aimed at suppressing the freedom of Voltarians in favour of the ruling government as because of the fears that Voltarians will register in their numbers,” ASEPA stated.

ASEPA has therefore called on the National Peace Council to step in stating that, this a possible catalyst to political unrest in Ho Central constituency and the Volta region at large.”


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