Categories: Politics

Mahama Is Disconnected From Economic Realities – Bawumia Jabs

Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia and John Dramani Mahama

In a twist that left many heads spinning faster than the cedi’s recent theatrics against the dollar, Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia has taken a swipe at John Dramani Mahama, the flagbearer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), for his rather imaginative critique of the current government’s handling of the economy.

Dr. Bawumia, clearly bewildered by Mahama’s apparent lapse of memory, decided to enlighten the former president on the complexities of economic management. Speaking via video call at the 8th CEOs Summit in Accra, Bawumia expressed his incredulity at Mahama’s portrayal of the local economy as a sinking ship solely due to poor leadership.

“It’s almost as if Mr. Mahama has just parachuted in from Mars,” Bawumia remarked with a grin. “One would think he had never been in the driver’s seat, never steered this nation’s economy, and certainly never faced the tough questions of governance.”

Mahama’s assertion that the economy has crumbled under the current administration seems, in Bawumia’s view, to ignore the little nuisances like the COVID-19 pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine war—minor events that have somehow slipped Mahama’s mind. After all, who could blame him for forgetting such trivial global crises?

Dr. Bawumia pointed out that Mahama’s tenure was blessedly free of such international disturbances. Yet, during those halcyon days, the country still faced a series of unfortunate events: soaring unemployment, the relentless scourge of ‘dumsor’ (persistent power outages), and a stagnating agricultural sector. Ah, the good old days when the only crisis was local mismanagement.

“We’ve had to juggle a pandemic and a war, and still, we’ve kept the ship afloat,” Bawumia said, implying that the current administration’s achievements are nothing short of miraculous. “Compared to Mahama’s administration, we’ve performed much better. We’ve managed funds wisely and initiated projects that are actually beneficial.”

In a cutting tone, Bawumia questioned how Mahama, with his extensive resume of high office, could have such a selective memory. “When he was managing the country, there were no global crises. Yet, the economy he left behind was nothing to write home about,” he quipped.

Indeed, Bawumia’s comments highlight a curious phenomenon: Mahama’s ability to critique without context, to reminisce about his tenure as if it were a golden age, unmarred by any of the troubles currently faced by the nation. Perhaps the former president’s latest remarks are best enjoyed with a generous pinch of salt—and a wry smile.

With a final flourish, Bawumia suggested that the government has done more in the past seven years than Mahama’s administration could muster. “If you look at what we’ve done, it’s very clear: we have done much more and performed much better,” he stated, leaving no room for doubt about who’s really been steering Ghana’s economy through turbulent times.

As the political rhetoric heats up, one thing is certain: Mahama’s critiques might benefit from a bit more context—and perhaps a quick reality check.

Source: GhanaFeed.Com

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