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“I Will Scrap Payment Of Dstv, Fuel, And Utilities For Government Officials” – Mahama Promises

Former President Mahama Proposes Measures to Curb Government Expenditure

In a recent meeting with the EU Ambassador to Ghana, former President John Dramani Mahama unveiled a series of proposals aimed at significantly reducing government expenditure. Mahama identified the root of Ghana’s financial challenges as the extensive freebies provided to government officials.

Eliminating Perks for Top Officials

Mahama emphasized that the perks currently enjoyed by top government officials, directors, and the political class place an undue burden on the government’s finances. He outlined specific measures to address this issue:

  • Utility Bills: Discontinuation of government payment for utility bills such as electricity and water for senior officials. Mahama stated, “We believe that people should take up paying their own electricity bills and water bills like every other Ghanaian does.”
  • Fuel Expenses: Implementation of a policy requiring government officials to personally bear fuel costs when using their private vehicles. Mahama clarified, “Unless you are using a government vehicle or on government assignment, you should buy your fuel if you are using your own car.”

Impact on Government Spending

These proposed changes are intended to create a more sustainable financial framework by ensuring that government officials contribute to their own expenses, aligning their financial responsibilities with those of ordinary citizens. Mahama’s approach is part of a broader strategy to streamline government spending and promote fiscal responsibility.

Addressing the EU Ambassador

During his discussion with the EU Ambassador, Mahama highlighted the importance of reducing these expenditures to alleviate the strain on the government’s budget. He believes that these measures will help Ghana tackle its economic challenges and improve overall financial management.

Commitment to Fiscal Responsibility

These proposals, according to Mr. Mahama reflect his commitment to instilling a culture of fiscal responsibility within the government. By curbing unnecessary expenditures, he aims to set a precedent for prudent financial practices and ensure that government resources are used more effectively for the benefit of all Ghanaians.

Next Steps

The former President’s proposals will likely spark discussions among policymakers and stakeholders regarding the implementation of these measures. Mahama’s emphasis on reducing government freebies underscores a broader effort to address Ghana’s economic issues through responsible governance and expenditure management.

Source: GhanaFeed.Com

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