
I Was Collecting Money From Those Who Visit Me For Sika Gari Just As Church Members Pay Offering To Pastors – Nana Agraada Confesses

Evangelist Patricia Oduro Koranteng who was then known as Nana Agraada has confessed to some of the dirty mind games she used to play with her sika gari tricks.

In an interview she has recently granted, the cunning woman said that she studied the environment so well and found out that pastors dupe church members all in the God and Jesus to acquire properties for their selves and families.

Since she cannot do the same, Agraada said she had to develop the same tactics in her sika gari tricks to also get herself rich.

When asked if her strategy wasn’t a fraud, she stated boldly that everything she did was not a crime or a sin because that is exactly what pastors do.

However, she disclaimed quickly that she’s no more into that cunning ways again because she has found Christ Jesus.

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