
Godfred Dame ‘In Trouble’ As His Friend Jakpa Sings In Court Like A Canary Bird

In a stunning twist that has the courtroom buzzing more than a faulty siren, the third accused in the highly publicized ambulance case, Richard Jakpa, has alleged that he was assured by none other than the Attorney General and Minister of Justice, Godfred Yeboah Dame, that he was merely a bystander in the legal ambulance chase targeting Dr. Cassiel Ato Forson, the first accused.

Jakpa, who disclosed this juicy tidbit under cross-examination by Dr. Forson’s legal team, painted a picture of a benevolent Dame, more akin to a soothing paramedic than a stern prosecutor. According to Jakpa, the Attorney General took him aside during a clandestine meeting, metaphorically patted his back, and whispered in his ear that he was not the star of this courtroom drama. The lead role, as Dame supposedly revealed, was reserved for Dr. Forson, with Jakpa playing a supporting character who would ultimately exit the stage unscathed.

“He told me I would be discharged during the submission of no case,” Jakpa recounted, suggesting that his cooperation with the prosecution, including handing over documents like a diligent intern, was all part of a grand strategy orchestrated by Dame. This assurance, Jakpa claimed, led him to believe that the Attorney General would personally ensure his safety, providing him with crucial contract addendums as a sign of goodwill—long before the prosecution had even wrapped up its opening act.

The courtroom drama escalated when the court admitted into evidence an audio recording that allegedly captures this conversation between Jakpa and the Attorney General. Legal aficionados now eagerly await whether this revelation will change the trajectory of the case or simply add another layer of intrigue to an already convoluted legal saga.

As the plot thickens, observers are left wondering if the Attorney General’s office is running a justice system or directing a courtroom telenovela. Either way, it seems clear that in the theater of Ghanaian justice, the lines between prosecution and friendly persuasion can be as blurry as the text on a smudged legal document.

Source: GhanaFeed.Com

Published by
Emmanuel Frimpong, Managing Editor

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