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Even Under Kufuor, NPP Tried To ‘Steal’ Elections; Imagine What They Can Do Under This Worse Gov’t – Fiifi Kwetey



Fiifi Fiavi Kwetey

The General Secretary of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Fiifi Kwetey, has announced that the party is learning from the 2008 elections and deploying its best resources and personnel for the upcoming 2024 elections. Kwetey emphasized the importance of being thoroughly prepared, given what he described as the current New Patriotic Party’s (NPP) desperation to retain power.

Reflecting on past elections, Kwetey remarked, “The Kufour NPP, when we were in opposition, said they are not really a good government. If you compare the Kufour NPP to the current NPP that we have, this iteration of the NPP is the worst in my view that we’ve ever had. It is the most desperate.”

Kwetey expressed concern over potential electoral malpractices, drawing a parallel to the 2008 elections. “If in the strongroom of the Electoral Commission in 2008 they did what they did to try to steal the election in that final moment, we believe that this particular iteration of NPP is going to do far worse,” he stated.

To counter this, Kwetey assured that the NDC is ensuring its electoral machinery is robust. “We believe our machinery, the men pushing the machinery have to be top-notch,” he said, underscoring the party’s commitment to safeguarding the integrity of the electoral process.

With the 2024 elections approaching, the NDC is determined to leave nothing to chance, bolstering its efforts to secure a fair and transparent election.

Source: GhanaFeed.Com

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