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EC’s Registration Exercise: 808 Applicants Challenged In The Volta Region Over Claims Of Being Underaged Or Foreigners



The Volta Regional Directorate of the Electoral Commission (EC) has reported a total of 808 applicants whose registration has been challenged within the first seven days of the national registration exercise. These challenges primarily revolve around suspicions of applicants being either minors or foreigners. Eric Dzakpasu, the Regional Director of EC, shared this information with the Ghana News Agency during a visit to a registration center on Tuesday.

Despite initial technical issues such as dysfunctional kits and network challenges in the first two days, Dzakpasu noted that the registration process has been largely smooth. He revealed that within the first week, 14,888 new voters were successfully registered in the region.

To address technical challenges, all registration centers, including mobile teams, have been equipped with generators and internet turbo routers to ensure the smooth functioning of the exercise.

Festus Agbolosu, the New Patriotic Party’s agent at one of the centers, commended the Electoral Commission for conducting the exercise peacefully. He urged eligible citizens to participate in the registration process to obtain their voter cards, emphasizing the importance of voting for the party in the upcoming December 7th elections.

In related news, 1,706 new voters were registered in the Ho Municipality of the Volta Region during the same period. Nana Oduro Numapau, the Ho Municipal Director of the Electoral Commission, disclosed this information to the Ghana News Agency during a visit to a registration center.

Numapau acknowledged network difficulties at the start of the exercise but assured that the process has since been smooth. He advised all eligible persons to seize the opportunity to obtain a voter card to participate in future elections and other electoral activities in the country.

During the visit to the registration center, a significant number of students from various second-cycle institutions were observed flocking to the EC’s office to have their names added to the voter list. Nearly 100 students from OLA Senior High School and Wallace Academy Senior High School were seen waiting patiently in queues to complete the registration process.

Expressing their delight, some students described the registration process as fast and smooth. Their enthusiasm underscores the significance of civic participation among the youth and their eagerness to exercise their democratic rights.

Source: GhanaFeed.Com


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