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Dame Has Tampered With Our WhatsApp Conversations; Jakpa ‘Cries’ In Court As Judge Admits AG’s Full Chats Into Evidence



The third accused in the ongoing ambulance procurement trial, Richard Jakpa, has alleged that Attorney-General Godfred Dame tampered with key WhatsApp messages submitted as evidence in court. This claim was made during court proceedings on Thursday, June 20, and has raised serious concerns about the integrity of the evidence presented in the trial.

During cross-examination led by Director of Public Prosecutions Yvonne Atakora Obuobisa, Mr. Jakpa asserted that the WhatsApp messages purportedly exchanged between him and the Attorney-General had been altered. He argued that the content of these messages had been manipulated to misrepresent the true nature of their communications, thereby distorting the facts.

This development adds a new layer of complexity to the trial, as the court must now scrutinize the authenticity of the evidence provided by the prosecution. The High Court in Accra, presided over by Justice Afia Serwaa Asare Botwe, had earlier admitted the WhatsApp messages into evidence. Justice Botwe noted that the court had previously accepted similar chats from Mr. Jakpa and could not reject what the prosecution described as the complete conversation. However, she emphasized that the court reserves the right to determine the weight and credibility of the evidence presented.

In addition to the WhatsApp messages, the court has also admitted a 16-minute recorded phone conversation between Mr. Dame and Mr. Jakpa. In this recording, the Attorney-General is accused of witness tampering, an allegation brought forward by Mr. Jakpa and other persons of interest in the case.

As the trial continues, these allegations of evidence tampering will likely be a focal point of the proceedings, potentially influencing the outcome of this high-profile case. The court will need to carefully evaluate all evidence to ensure a fair and just verdict.

Source: GhanaFeed.Com

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