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Church Of Pentecost Pastor Shot In Robbery Incident After Evening Service

Pastor Samuel Kobla Narh

Pastor Samuel Koblah Narh, the District Pastor of the Church of Pentecost in Awutu Papaase, has been shot and critically injured in a robbery incident. The assailants also stole his Toyota RAV4, with the registration GW 545-22, and his mobile phones.

The incident occurred at Pastor Narh’s residence in the Awutu Senya West District after he returned from an evening service. According to reports, the armed robbers had laid an ambush in front of his house.

Police sources indicate that the robbery unfolded when one of Pastor Narh’s sons opened the main gate for him. As the pastor entered the house, the robbers followed and fired several shots to intimidate his family. During the confrontation, the pastor was shot in the shoulder while attempting to communicate with the robbers. They subsequently pulled him out of his car and drove away.

Pastor Narh was initially taken to the Winneba Trauma and Specialist Hospital for first aid. He has since been transferred to the Church of Pentecost Hospital in Madina for further treatment.

In an interview with Adom News, church elder Godfred Viglo described the incident and made a public appeal for assistance. “We are calling on Ghanaians and the Ghana Police Service to help arrest the suspects and retrieve the stolen Toyota RAV4 for Pastor Narh,” Elder Viglo said.

The police have launched an investigation into the robbery and are working to apprehend the culprits. The community remains in shock as they rally around the injured pastor and his family during this difficult time.

Source: GhanaFeed.Com

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