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CCTV Video: Armed Robbers Attack Fuel Station At Dominase



A fuel station at Gomoa Dominase Junction in the Gomoa East District of the Central Region was the target of a daring armed robbery on the evening of Thursday, August 22. CCTV footage from the station captured the moment four masked men, armed with guns and knives, stormed the station around 7:30 pm, taking both the staff and customers by surprise.

The robbery unfolded while the station’s attendant, identified as Ali, was assisting a customer, who was later identified as a ‘trotro’ driver. The footage shows the robbers ambushing the attendant and harassing the customer, creating a chaotic scene. Another customer on a motorbike, witnessing the commotion, managed to flee the scene before the robbers could target him.

The assailants forced the terrified attendant into the station’s mini-mart, where they reportedly stole GHC 3,392. In the face of the robbers’ threats, the visibly shaken attendant complied without resistance, allowing the criminals to carry out their operation unchallenged.

The incident has heightened concerns about security in the area, as residents and business owners call for increased police patrols and better protection against such attacks. Authorities are currently reviewing the CCTV footage to identify the culprits and bring them to justice.

Source: GhanaFeed.Com


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