The Asantehene, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, marked the 5th Awukudae of the year at his residence in Henley, a picturesque town along the River Thames. This...
In a significant escalation of the ongoing feud, Maame Afia Akoto, a deputy communication officer of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), has filed a defamation lawsuit...
In a surprising turn of events, controversial Ghanaian artist Pappy Kojo has declared his retirement from music. The announcement, across his social media platforms, has left...
Reverend Isaac Owusu-Bempah, the founder and leader of Glorious Word Power Ministries, made a sensational claim during his Sunday sermon on July 14, 2024. According to...
Nana Poku Piesie, a radio personality with Sompa FM has been arrested by the Ghana Police. This development follows his controversial confession on live radio, where...
In the often heated landscape of Ghanaian politics, few issues have generated as much discussion and debate as the Free Senior High School (SHS) policy. However,...
Multiple award-winning Ghanaian rapper Sarkodie has called for the arrest of Nana Poku Piesie, a radio personality with Sompa FM, following his shocking confession on live...
Nana Poku Piesie, a prominent radio personality with Sompa FM has stirred controversy and faced widespread condemnation following a startling revelation on air. The media figure...
The saga involving Kwabena Opoku, a Germany-based Ghanaian man, and the paternity of his 12-year-old daughter has taken a conclusive step. A confirmatory DNA paternity test,...
Kwame Asare Obeng, popularly known as A Plus, has been summoned by the Ghana Police Service. The musician and political activist has been asked to report...