
Assin Chiefs Fine NDC For Invoking Curses On EC, NPP Candidate

The Efutuakwa Traditional Council in the Central Region has summoned executives of the Assin Central National Democratic Congress (NDC) following an incident involving the invocation of curses on the Electoral Commission (EC) and the New Patriotic Party (NPP) Parliamentary candidate, Godfred Nti Anewu. The NDC executives had accused the NPP of transporting individuals from Kasoa to transfer their votes to the Assin Central Constituency.

The invocation of curses, which is strictly prohibited in the Efutuakwa Traditional Area, led to the imposition of significant fines on the NDC members. On Friday, June 14, 2024, the Council fined the NDC GH¢10,000, 10 sheep, and six boxes of schnapps. These penalties are intended to serve as a deterrent to others who might consider similar actions in the future.

The Constituency NDC Chairman, Baba Galba, and the Women’s Organiser, Agartha Yawson, who led the delegation, have been instructed to present the fined items by the close of today for the necessary rituals to revoke the curse. In addition, they are required to visit the Antoa and Assin Nyankomasi communities to perform rituals to reverse the curse, as the name “Antoa” and the stool of Assin Nyankomasi (Aboabo) were mentioned during the invocation.

Representatives of the Efutuakwa Traditional Council, including the Assin Fosu queen mother, Nana Afranse IV, and Okumaneng Bafour Asare Kyeahene II, emphasized the importance of this directive in maintaining traditional and cultural integrity. Nana Bafour Asare urged politicians to focus on unity and development rather than creating divisions among themselves.

“The directive is to serve as a deterrent to others,” stated Nana Bafour Asare, stressing the Council’s commitment to upholding peace and order within the traditional area.

Source: GhanaFeed.Com

Published by
Emmanuel Frimpong, Managing Editor

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