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My Business Is Booming Because I Pay My Tithes Faithfully – CEO Of Tobinco Group



Samuel Amo Tobbin, the Chief Executive Officer of the Tobinco Group of Companies, has expressed deep appreciation for the Church of Pentecost’s significant role in nurturing ethical business leaders in Ghana. According to him, the church’s teachings have shaped the moral character and practices of several businesspeople, including himself, contributing not only to the growth of businesses but also to the broader development of the church and society.

In an interview with Channel One Television in Accra, Mr. Tobbin highlighted how the Church of Pentecost has been instrumental in guiding its members on values like sacrificial giving, tithing, and community service, all of which have empowered businesses to thrive while remaining grounded in ethical principles.

“The transformation is evident. We weren’t like this when we first started. The church played a pivotal role in shaping us through its teachings on tithing and offerings. The concept is straightforward – we give sacrificially, not out of compulsion but as a principle we’ve embraced. We’re taught to give a tenth of our earnings, and it’s a practice that has become second nature to us,” Mr. Tobbin remarked.

He further explained that many successful business figures within the church consistently contribute a portion of their profits, which goes a long way in sustaining the church’s numerous initiatives, both locally and internationally. The Church of Pentecost operates in 170 countries, and its global operations are largely supported by the generosity of business leaders who align their financial contributions with their faith.

“We recognize the many responsibilities the church carries, from paying salaries to pastors and covering utility costs to supporting missionaries and their families worldwide. The burden is heavy, but it’s by the grace of God and the contributions of businesspeople like us that the church is able to fulfill its mission. We give willingly, knowing that we are contributing to God’s work, not just to a specific individual or project,” he emphasized.

Mr. Tobbin shared that his commitment to tithing has been central to the growth of his business. “I attribute my success to faithfully paying my tithe. This is not about the presence of a specific pastor or leader; it’s about recognizing that our giving is ultimately to God. That mindset brings peace, knowing that regardless of who is in charge, the principle remains the same. This approach is what has sustained and expanded our businesses,” he concluded.

The Tobinco CEO’s remarks shine a light on the important synergy between faith and business ethics within the Church of Pentecost, illustrating how spiritual principles can be effectively integrated into professional life for the benefit of both the church and the wider community.

Source: GhanaFeed.Com


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