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Tension In Northern Region NDC As Fiifi Kwetey Sacks Known Haruna Iddrisu ‘Boy’ For Strange Reason



Haruna Iddrisu

Alhaji Mohammed Aminu, a key supporter of former Minority Leader Haruna Iddrisu, has been dismissed from his position by Fifi Kwetey, the party’s General Secretary. The dismissal follows allegations from anti-Haruna factions accusing Aminu of orchestrating the selection of pro-Haruna candidates, exacerbating internal strife within the NDC in the region.

The ongoing discord has led to heightened tensions, with recent announcements regarding leadership changes. A communiqué from the Party Headquarters detailed the latest decisions in the conflict-ridden Northern Region.

The letter revealed that an appeal had been lodged against the appointment of Aminu Mohammed Adam as the Director of Elections for the Northern Region. After a review by the Conflict Resolution Directorate, it was recommended that Mr. Aminu Mohammed Adam step aside for a new appointee.

During a meeting on April 23, 2023, the Functional Executive Committee (FEC) discussed the issue extensively and endorsed the Directorate’s ruling, appointing Arnold Mashud as the new Director of Elections for the Northern Region.

Party members in the Northern Region have been formally notified of Mr. Mashud’s appointment and are encouraged to collaborate and support him in driving the party towards success in the upcoming elections.

Source: GhanaFeed.Com

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