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2024 Election: NPP Presenting A ‘Liar’ Flagbearer And An ‘Arrogant’ Running Mate – Yaw Boateng Gyan



Yaw Boateng Gyan

Yaw Boateng Gyan, the former National Organizer of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC), has harshly criticized the New Patriotic Party (NPP) for its choice of presidential candidate and running mate. He has questioned the characters of both individuals, describing them in negative terms.

On June 26, 2024, reports confirmed that NPP flagbearer Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia proposed Energy Minister Dr. Matthew Opoku Prempeh, also known as NAPO, as his running mate. This decision followed a meeting where Dr. Bawumia consulted President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, who ultimately endorsed the selection.

In an interview on the Ghana Kasa show on Kasapa 102.5FM, Boateng Gyan expressed his belief that such candidates should not hold the country’s highest offices. “The Bawumia-Napo ticket for the December 7 general election cannot be a threat to the NDC,” he stated. “These are two people with questionable characters being presented to Ghanaians. Bawumia is a well-known liar, and Napo is known for his arrogance. Both are a bad case for the NPP.”

Boateng Gyan asserted that Dr. Bawumia’s statements should not be trusted and criticized Dr. Opoku Prempeh for his past remarks. “Whatever Bawumia says should not be taken seriously. Ghanaians already know Dr. Matthew Opoku Prempeh and the kind of arrogant statements he has made in the past. Both of them will be presented to the Ghanaian electorate, and I strongly believe they will be rejected. We can’t have such persons as our President and Vice President,” he concluded.

Source: GhanaFeed.Com

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