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10 Years Of Marriage Declared Null And Void As Widow Leaves Oyerepa Afutuo In Tears Despite Auntie Naa’s Massive ‘Agenda’

In an emotionally tense episode of the popular talk show “Oyerepa Afutuo today,” a middle-aged woman named Maggie received devastating news about her marital status, leaving her almost in tears and listeners in disbelief. Maggie, who had come to the show seeking legal assistance to contest her deceased husband’s family’s attempt to deny her inheritance, was informed by a lawyer who was called on the show that her marriage to her now-deceased husband was legally invalid.

The drama unfolded when Maggie, in her quest for justice, revealed her plight to Auntie Naa, the show’s host. Maggie’s husband, a pastor, had separated from his first wife, Felicia. According to Maggie, Felicia had customarily returned her husband’s drinks, a traditional gesture signifying divorce. However, it was disclosed that the couple had not legally finalized their divorce through the court system. As a result, the pastor was still legally married to Felicia at the time of his death.

This legal technicality rendered Maggie’s marriage null and void, meaning she had no legal claim to her late husband’s estate. Despite Maggie’s dedication and care for her husband during his illness and her role in performing the widowhood rites at his funeral, the law did not recognize her as the legal spouse. Consequently, all of her husband’s estate would legally pass to Felicia, his first wife.

Despite the host, Auntie Naa’s emotional gymnastics, aimed at soliciting some kind of compensation for Maggie, the position of the law as explained by the lawyer was clear that this was a case of 10 solid years wasted and nothing more.

Maggie’s heart-wrenching story, shared on the widely viewed program, has highlighted significant legal and social issues within Ghana. The episode served as a poignant reminder of the importance of formal legal processes in matters of marriage and divorce. It underscored the potential consequences of relying solely on customary practices without ensuring corresponding legal actions.

Legal experts on the show emphasized the necessity for both men and women to complete all legal formalities in divorce proceedings to avoid similar predicaments. Maggie’s unfortunate experience stands as a cautionary tale for others, urging them to be vigilant and thorough in their legal affairs, especially those involving marriage.

Source: GhanaFeed.Com

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